MOM is understanding, forgiving and totally gets you!
What is the Magic Object Model (MOM)?
An approach to identify web page elements on-the-fly.
MOM takes five words: Verb, Name, Class, Verify, Data
MOM recognizes verbs: "Open", "Hover", "Click", "Select" and "Enter"
It finds visible "Button", "Checkbox", "Tab", "List", "Image" & "Text" classes.
"Enter" Data, "Type" at the screen and "Verify" text, elements and images.
Even negative testing like "Verify the 'Red Truck' image does not appear"
What is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engine
Natural Language Processing converts "Plain English" to executable automation code.
Click OK Button
Verify 'An error has occurred' does not exist.
Select 'Batmobile' from the 'Vehicle' list
Watch the demo!
Check out a sample video showcasing testRigor with an implementation of the Magic Object Model
Play with NLS and the MOM Add-On live at
You can try the Magic Object Model and the Natural Language Processing Engine as a published Add-In at
Try Plain English testing with
You can also see a Natural Language Processing Engine at work at
We want feedback!
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