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MOM is understanding, forgiving and totally gets you!

What is the Magic Object Model (MOM)?

An  approach to identify web page elements on-the-fly.  

MOM takes five words: Verb, Name, Class, Verify, Data 


  • MOM recognizes verbs: "Open", "Hover", "Click", "Select" and "Enter"

  • It finds visible "Button", "Checkbox", "Tab", "List", "Image" & "Text" classes.

  • "Enter" Data, "Type" at the screen and "Verify" text, elements and images. 

  • Even negative testing like "Verify the 'Red Truck' image does not appear"

What is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engine

Natural Language Processing converts "Plain English" to executable automation code.


  •    Click OK Button

  •    Verify 'An error has occurred' does not exist.

  •    Select 'Batmobile' from the 'Vehicle' list

Watch the demo!

Check out a sample video showcasing testRigor with an implementation of the Magic Object Model

Play with NLS and the MOM Add-On live at

You can try the Magic Object Model and the Natural Language Processing Engine as a published Add-In at

Try Plain English testing with

You can also see a Natural Language Processing Engine at work at

We want feedback!

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